by eduard | May 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Amazing seizure specialist! I’m truly grateful that I found him online, changed my seizures and controlled them a lot better. He made me understand what seizures are, how they happen and to what part of the brain they are happening through testing being done....
by eduard | May 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
I have to say, Dr. Bercovici has been an amazing physician for me. I needed his help/feedback when I suddenly got admitted to emergency in Florida; he took the time to call me back on his way home to make sure things were okay with me. It has been a while since I have...
by eduard | May 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Dr, Bercovici you are one amazing human being. Since, I found you listed under the Charlie Foundation, my son has made an amazing recovery. He has made such gains that sometimes I have to take a double-take because I can not believe it. But once you have such an...
by eduard | May 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Dr. Bercovici you deserve more than 5 stars, you are a superhero ★ in medicine. You are an inspiration in the field of nutrition. The Ketogenic Diet is nothing short of a miracle, added with other treatments—the positive outcome is short of amazing. Dr. Bercovici your...
by eduard | May 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Dr. Bercovici is an amazing neurologist. He is a great advocate for his patients and ensures the resources/care they need are arranged in a timely manner. There were times I called him on behalf of my Dad to report an update to his seizures (i.e., falling and hurting...
by eduard | Apr 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Dr. Bercovici is one of the kindest and most compassionate doctors I have experienced. He is a pleasure to deal with as well as extremely knowledgeable, informative and honest. I would recommend him to anyone and only trust him for my family who have unfortunately had...